Friday, August 7, 2009

book worm

while in hybernation since beginning of the week, i've been reading like crazy.

i'm choosing to go fiction now... and awarded, if possible.

just over a span of less than a week, i finished these books:

the first is by nobel peace prize for lit winner, toni morrison. title: tar baby.

i understand why she won the award. extremely poetic, very unusual, gripping, unpredictable way of writing. i really can't explain it :)

here's one of the first lines that caught my eye in the book:

"...clouds and fish were convinced that the sea-green green of the sea and the sky-blue sky of the sky were no longer permanent..."

second book is this. probably one of the most intelligent and quirky books i've ever read.

it's about a secretly smart concierge and a secretly smart 9-year-old in a posh apartment building in paris. they both have a secret fascination over all things japanese. how cool is that?

third book: siddharta. also written by a nobel-peace prize winner.

wow, an extremely spiritual eastern tale written by a western in the 1920's. still so relevant today. i think i'll give this to twinpopbro :)

yun lang. enjoy singapore!

onto my next book...


Anonymous said...

I was required to read Siddartha in high school for my Critical Reading class and I didn't understand it at all. I read it again in my early 20's and totally related to it. some of my fave books in my Critical Reading class were Grpaes of Wrath, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, along with the Electric Kook-aid Acid Test. I re-read these books now and then when I'm bored with the current selections at the bookstores. ;-)

flower said...

oooh yes fountainhead is on the top of my list too. haven't read atlas shrugged since i have a one-author-a-book self-imposed rule.

electric kook-aid acid test sounds interesting. i shall look it up. thanks!

Ed said...

Thanks for the book recommendations flower. Also I like you neat layout which I could never capture in my real desk or my virtual one or my blog. I read your stuff regularly but no comment usually comes to mind worth posting (not that this one is either). Thanks.

flower said...

thanks, gogs :)

all comments are worth posting :)