Tuesday, November 1, 2011

it was berry fun!

happy halloween, sis!

finally got to partake in some of the family's traditional halloween parties.

first, in our place... a quick 3-lobby (there are 4 lobbies but we only made it to 3) trick-or-treating with friends.

the berry as an elephant...

the berry as a bunny...

then, the traditional trick or treating in the compound. what a treat!

spot the berry...

here we go!

so many treats!

what's so cool are the treats! they're all so personal! none of that junk candy!

here are some "tombs" from twinpopsistoo

they're yanyan! our favorite!

this was my favorite... "Potion Ingredients for Spells" from the Silvas...

inside... serpent elexir, bat droppings, earth worms and eye of newt!

some home baked goodies...

there were also all sorts of practical stuff, toys and even a book!

even the dogs had a treat for the trick or treater!

lastly, we were at lola's for the traditional halloween dinner.

here are who greeted us at the gate.

and different characters greeting us inside...

lots of fun and games, too!

counting candies...

halloween crossword...

too bad we couldn't stay long enough for the rest of the games and prizes!

the berry was too tired already. but it was berry, berry fun.

happy halloween!

what were you up to?

1 comment:

belly said...

berry adorable! :) (and yes very cool giveaways too! such a production!)