Tuesday, January 20, 2009

bye-bye, bush!

In a few hours, many will be cheering for the new US president.

Many, still, will say that the hype is too much, and the expectations too high...  Perhaps...

I still want to say this, though... 

Bye-bye to the careless, crazy and highly divisive idea of the "axis of evil".  

(The speech when this concept was introduced in the 2002 state-of-the-union-address, is regarded by many critics as one of the WORST US-presidential speeches of ALL time)

Bye-bye to wars that were not only unsanctioned by the U.N., but also carelessly executed... 

(enough to prolooooong an UNFOUNDED war that has led to:

over 68,000 deaths... and counting.... 
590 TRILLION dollars in war-spending... and counting.... 

and to the looting or destruction of ancient cradle-of-civilization archives and objects from libraries & museums!!!)

Bye-bye to the passe pro-laissez faire economic policies that affects us all.

There are more (not signing Kyoto protocol, the oil-y allies, etc etc.), but these 3 top my list.

yun lang :)

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