Sunday, September 13, 2009

anything's possible!

thanks to uber generous tana, yesterday was our first day of english lessons.

here we are slowly going through the first chapter of a book...

this is the middle-school book we're reading... a true rags-to-riches story about a chinese (boy) ballet dancer...

a story they all relate seem to relate to... since they're all dancers (some hiphop, some at men's clubs)... and of course all struggling like the character.  
(one of the girls even cried during the reading, because she could relate to a character who was maltreated)
i'm so happy they were quite engrossed and wanting to finish the book in the future.

(oh, by the way, did you notice their shirts?  woohoo!)

anyway, teaching them english... and even more, getting them grade school and high school diplomas is an uphill climb... but i'm taking it.
maybe that's why i'm enjoying the new show recommended by twinpopbro...

it's about musical high school outcasts... a musical dramedy with very tina fay-esque humor.

anyway, here's to believing in those who many gave up on.   naks.


Unknown said...

Bravo Messy B

flower said...

thanks pee-kay. that was fast!

Pam said...

Your progress is making me teary-eyed! So proud of you.

flower said...

wow thanks pam! now on noynoy... (kidding!) said...

i will never doubt a scorpio's ability to manifest