Saturday, August 30, 2008

office rehab

YES please lend that to me after :)  My niece Danni (who's 11) highly recommends it.  i'm in the mood for light reading.

many of our books have actually found a new (temporary) home.

since lately, i've transformed our bookshelf into a messy Messy Bessy shelf, 

we've decided to park some of our books in Ngow's new office library.  

how cool is it that they have one?

after checking out the new library, i trekked upstairs to continue my toughest and longest-running design project yet: his office! 

given virtually zero budget and a picky (!) client, it's tough!

one of the first things i did was salvage old starbucks club chairs and reupholster them with uber funky fabrics.

then i added small touches, like this cute tassle i attached to his projector screen.  i don't think anyone notices it.  hee hee.

then i tried to neaten up his shelves (which are actually their old kamagong chapel benches) thanks to domesticity boxes.




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